Four poker players or six painters included for free.
Name and Logo promoted in all communication, advertised on our website, Facebook, Instagram, and emails to supporters.
Printed banner at event. Recognized at the beginning and end of the event.
Two poker players or four painters included for free.
Name and Logo promoted in all communication, advertised on our website, Facebook, Instagram, and emails to supporters.
Recognized at the beginning and end of the event.
Name and logo displayed at beer station.
Two poker players or four painters included for free.
Name and Logo promoted in all communication, advertised on our website, Facebook, Instagram, and emails to supporters.
Recognized at the beginning and end of the event.
Name and logo displayed at wine station.
Two poker players or four painters included for free.
Name and Logo promoted in all communication, advertised on our website, Facebook, Instagram, and emails to supporters.
Recognized at the beginning and end of the event.
Name and logo displayed at food station.
One poker player included for free.
Name and logo promoted in all communication, advertised on our website, Facebook, Instagram, and emails to supporters.
Recognized at the beginning and end of the event.
One player included for free.
Name and logo promoted in all communication, advertised on our website, Facebook, Instagram.
Logo displayed at the table.
Two painters included for free.
Name and logo promoted in all communication, advertised on our website, Facebook, Instagram.
Logo displayed at the table/event.
Provide a gift certificate or merchandise item for the final table of the poker tournament. Includes business logo and
name in all electronic and printed materials.